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Midnight Street: Tokyo Tune
Midnight Street: Tokyo Tune - Just_Kris's Posts - TapTap

727 View2023-11-24
So this game is weird.
The graphics are good defenitly I can't say anything against that, optimisation still needs works I'm having like 40 fps so it's not a power point but it could be better and there are also no graphic settings, the sound in the races feels buggy, you can barely hear the cars they are super silent but when u shift into the next gear that's super loud and it's really grindy you need to save up to 700k for the cars in the next class and u can get only 28k from the "hardest" race. Also I don't really believe you race against real players in the multiplayer races since they have usernames but I found no option to change my name so this game isn't terrible but if they are still working on it it needs some fixes.
Well edit: I now beat the Act 1 and that's all of the story rn. I only upgraded the starter car didn't buy a new car and they are insanely expensive anyway so I think it's kind of planed that players pay for currency instead of grinding it because the most expensive car is 10Million and then of course there is also "Premium currency" gold chips or something and the most expensive car with that costs like 2,800 chips so this game just got worse with that pay2unlock aspect.
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not enough game modes if you have no races to earn funds you have to pay to upgrade your car just to continue to play. or I'm my case just gave up till I can race or a new mode is available...game is cool for sure but I'm
ROBERT ELLIS1K2022-07-06
great looking game, I was disappointed early on after seeing all the best cars locked being paywalls, I don’t mind paying for one car but there’s many locked, obviously no intention of paying for more than one, it would of been nice to see a option to unlock all cars with one payment. Anyway the game is really good it’s a mix of solo and multiplayer, there’s many ways to upgrade your vehicle probably more ways than any other game, there will be plenty grinding/racing to get enough cash for your favourite cars and upgrades that can be acquired by in game currency, unfortunately for people with low end devices this game probably won’t even run, it’s demanding, I look forward to playing some more and seeing future updates. UPDATE! After playing some more there is a some issues with the frame rate and overall performance of the game, I’m on 13 pro max, I doubt this game is running at more than 30fps, they really need to remove a lot of stuff from the world like threes, parked vehicles, sky scrapers anything that’s causing lag and low frame rate, the graphics settings in game seem to be very poorly optimised, also the more you progress the worse the lag gets.
The graphics quality cannot be adjusted, and the frame rate can be selected as 30 or 60. The model penetration problem is serious, simply too bad. The sound of the engine is so terrible that I just can't imagine how the sound of a car engine can be produced like a runaway song. The online mode is strange in the way it participates, requiring everyone to stop and start after the match point. The countdown ended when the other players' cars had already driven out a good distance, and after reaching the finish line it was just a hint that the race was over. There is no sense of excitement or accomplishment in the racing game.
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