
Games worth discovering

Dynasty Warriors M
There is so much wrong with this game that it’s hard to pinpoint it all

There is so much wrong with this game that it’s hard to pinpoint it all

967 View2023-11-24
This game is so collectively bad that it fits the Japanese moniker. It is one so bad that I am eager to wash my hands of it, delete it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. Imagine this: A game series running for this long based solely on its simple combat system, goal-based missions, cool music, and item/equipment collecting. Take all that good stuff and then add a huge, empty open world and a bunch of half-baked mechanics that mean nothing at all.
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A nice game f*cked over by stingy devs.
The Good: It's actually an enjoyable game. It has a magnificent anime atmosphere, better than any other Ive experienced. The graphics and art style are top notch. Character models are lovely and very well portrayed. The gameplay is really good. The storyline is actually good, better than most other "rpg" storylines I've encountered. It's runs smoothly. The Bad: The gameplay, while good, isn't anything new.
This game is terrible with its poorly done controls and the opponent difficulty being beyond for what is supposed to be at the initial stages of the game. Firstly the controls are not very responsive and the parry button is the doom of all. When an enemy is about to hit you and you parry, your Character doesn't parry! They just stand there and take the hit, which mind you the enemy does more damage to you than you do to them. The other skills take too long to be used and are unreal in the actual world. How in the hell can a spear and heavy axe guy swing faster than my dual blades Character? How are they able to interrupt my character so easily where I can barely even get hits in. One reason, They made this too hard so people start paying to level up their characters n weapons and get talismans by paying to increase their damage making it easier to take out enemies. For f2p it's a hellhole to pass beyond chapter 3,4,5.
This game sucks.
the game dead named me. It froze even though I was playing on low Quality. It forced me to pick the Japanese flag even tho I am Canadian. Andit forced me to play with the guy. Wtf! I wanna play a character that represents me, not  f*cking Goku. Their is like zero fun in playing a game that misgenders you and treats you like shit all the time.   
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