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Watcher of Realms
Watcher of Realms - Shō's Posts - TapTap

479 View2023-11-26
Update after 3 months. Gameplay, graphics and summons are fine except for summon rewards, it feels like mocking you for having a bad luck. Some designs are repetetive and confusing (it feels like they have few designers). Now, for resources, it's so freaking hard to grind. This game is supposed to give us satisfaction, not a feel of how hard it is to work. RNG feels manipulated, too. They should increase the probability of the more important stats like those with "%" and remove atk, def, and hp on bangles, ring, and necklace. They listen to their players and I appreciate it BUT, THEY FREAKING LISTEN TO THOSE WHO HAVE STUPID IDEAS LIKE PVP! The game is fine on single-player and it would be better if they stayed that way like Arknights did. The sudden difficulty spike on normal mode 1-9 baffles me. Devs really published this super broken so they can just "update" it. It feels stupid honestly, releasing a game with stupid implementations just to update it afterwards want me to eat some shit. Uninstalled for now.
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I remember playing this game long time ago, it was great, but felt unfinished, now this new release doesn't make much sense to me, the game is worse, there is constant lag, the server are horrible, everything I click just load for 2 to 5 second and this kind of games there is so much unnecessary clicking for rewards, the battle system has no tutorial anymore, I remember back when I first play this, the game actually put lots of effort to explain the game mechanics but there is no such things anymore, there is no story either, game look also worse and play horrible with lags, I honestly don't know what happened to this game but it's just worse compare to the same game release some years ago, this feel like a beta version
I like playing it, it was very nice. But since the game needed an update, and i updated it, everything changed. cant play it smoothly anymore, I cant play solo live , also i got 20k Crystals for no reason at all, wow. Also, my character's rank leveled up randomly?? Although, i very liked the new update. It may have confused me but it is fine. Lags way too much after updating the game, i can't take it anymore
i am playing this game for almost 6 months now. At first, i played this game because i wanted to try the nft side of things. But as you play (in-auto mode always if i may add) and get stronger, more resources are needed especially the dark steel (the nft currency). instead of earning it. you'd just use it to upgrade shit. but many players use their alt character to earn. About the gameplay, THIS IS SHIT. I'm used to playing mobile games with skills you can manipulate where you cast it. That is good for pvp because you can actually see your range. But this game's interface is more like a pc game especially the placement of the skills. You can't also do combos because you will either run out of mana or your skill cooldown, unless you are a whale. You can't dodge either because the cooldown is fixed to 10 seconds, unless you have the pet\spirit with chance of resetting it. This game is not f2p friendly.
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