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Tower of God: New World
Tower of God: NEW WORLD - Alex's Posts - TapTap

437 View2023-11-29
I've been playing since release for everyday. Now after many months I can confidently say that this is game is terrible.
The worst part is deaf developers. They so listen to the players, it's true. However, they listen only to the whales apparently. There wasn't any major "quality of life" update at all. Even a few of those that were added, either makes no sense (like auto progress instead of skip & speed up buttons), or so minor, they have no impact at all (daily check-in indicator in the guild window), or tailored to the whales (black market with new currency instead of old). Developers also make new content tailored to whale level of teams, so as F2P you won't be able to progress far without paying a lot. Game is generous for the beginners, but once you reach 18th floor or so, you will hit CP wall. There is about 40 floors currently available if I'm not mistaken, and the amount will only grow. Your floor progress is tied to the story, so you basically won't be able to view it unless you pay. This also includes new content, for example ignition dungeon is require to have at least two 10 mil teams in order complete it. It's. A lot even for veterans like me. Also, there is tons of meaningless "beat the boss and get junk with a tiny chance to get mediocre reward" type of dungeons that only bloat the game while not offering anything rewarding for completing it. I could still go on with the rant since this game has a lot of issues, but I'm tired.
In summary, I heavily recommend you to avoid this game at all coat, even if you're a fan. They rewrote some character personalities (some are simply unrecognizable) and story (minor stuff but still).
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Laikam Samanta
Laikam Samanta

Blind people all the devs are like that if they come to you and say something that they will change that's because they want your money anyway lol 😆



Btw. Skip is unnecessary. It makes no sense to add it. It's not dungeons farm there. Except maybe for Secret Floor but it's so minor.



Also, even you commented, there were a lot of QoL. And now even more. More life deaf players... Nah literally. Also they haven't rewrote characters' personalities...


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i am playing this game for almost 6 months now. At first, i played this game because i wanted to try the nft side of things. But as you play (in-auto mode always if i may add) and get stronger, more resources are needed especially the dark steel (the nft currency). instead of earning it. you'd just use it to upgrade shit. but many players use their alt character to earn. About the gameplay, THIS IS SHIT. I'm used to playing mobile games with skills you can manipulate where you cast it. That is good for pvp because you can actually see your range. But this game's interface is more like a pc game especially the placement of the skills. You can't also do combos because you will either run out of mana or your skill cooldown, unless you are a whale. You can't dodge either because the cooldown is fixed to 10 seconds, unless you have the pet\spirit with chance of resetting it. This game is not f2p friendly.
Gaming Account2K2022-04-11
good game destroyed by greediness. game is fantastic good graphics u can make alot of builds , good story , its all good  until the p2w starts everything has an alternative with real money alot of subscriptions and premium pass and they try to push u by making the levels requires more power than u have but if u managed to make a good build to withstand the levels that got hard guess what they did they put a f timer  in the story mode and in all the content  of the game ,u will face all of them have timers i managed to make a build with good damage and heal and i can easily finish the level but with more time but i can't and the problem with these stupid games u don't even know what to buy with real money to be good , they really have a pay wall to evey mechanic like tickets to events and arena(which is not a real time pvp btw) and some essential content to upgrade your gear, premium pass, cards , enhance materials, diamond and gold , pets .
negm ahmed1K2023-05-04
game got good story, voice over for characters and map layout but that all 1. The combat is so boring and easy that I didn't even have to worry about losing until lv60 (even without buying shit from their store 2. Skills are automatically upgrade when level up instead of letting the player make their own build and there skills that are unlock after reaching a certain lv but with the automatic skills lv up system, you often see a skill lv 10 worse then a skill lv 2
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