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OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime
OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime - Kinsudoblade's Posts - TapTap

161 View2023-12-05
This is an OK game. The graphics are good, chars are beautiful, game play is OK. Enjoying it so far but I have one issue.
What drives me away from the game is the skin cost. In my personal opinion no skin should cost more that $5 and any rare art or collaboration skin should cost no more than $10. This is my opinion and I carry that opinion across every game I play. These games shut down and the players are the ones that take the loss.
In this game the skins are $23 and that's a large red flag to me. I do believe if you like a game you should support it with at least one purchase and I did that already with the battle pass. I will continue to play but my wallet will remain close. I want to see what the future holds for this game.
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Game is really good and has a lot of potential, but I see some really bad things within the game that could really ruin it. For example, the fact that you have to pay for some heroes or open 400+ rumble boxes in order to get them is absolutely horrible. I understand the devs want money, but all heroes should be easily accessible to even the F2P players imo. Also, the ranked system is terrible. needs improvement. Its just a blank number of trophies that you have. You should be able to lose trophies when you lose. You should probably remake the entire ranked system tbh. Also we need more ways to progress in the battle pass.
Transgender Moms2K2022-05-29
The game is alright. Rewards are generous. Loading times are slow. Animations in combat could be much better. 3x speed combat is more like single speed from other games. Graphics are not its strength. Game looks low budget or it was just made to satisfy some average requirement.
Its a well made game but the content is average and uninspiring at best with a large amount of ads. If that's not bad enough there are also forced ads for the 'pay to remove forced ads' to add insult to injury. If you aren't willing to pay $3 for meh game then best skip this one.
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