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Standoff 2
Standoff 2 - G3LAT0-RATT's Posts - TapTap

173 View2023-12-09
This game is great, just that when I knife someone they don't die or doesn't even touch them just goes straight throught, but when someone knifes me I die instantly. & I have fast internet so idfk-
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G3LAT0-RATT Author

I just can't no more, the knife system in this game is just not it. I've tried to be patient with this game but. every time someone use a knife im down 30 & can't even fire my gun. just fucking take ur game down man thats how bad the knife system is fix it or something FUCK-



everyone don't have issues with system but you do,Sounds like skill iss-


G3LAT0-RATT Author

ego hurt


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This game is free to play and also vips were easy to get but the game has poor optimization the animation were lit but gameplay was sht imagine playing an fps with auto aim even sniper has fkin dev  i recommend to play ranked mode do not play knife mode that mode is garbage i have 50ms below it is a green ping meaning its smooth but nah this game defies fairness playing knife mode will make u mad asf ppl dont even have the same speed u can only enjoy this on classic rank mode bcus dev couldnt fix major problems makes this game unplayable.
0 Quake1K2022-08-06
The best game like pubg I have ever played.Coz my mom scolded me to not to play pubg and bgmi and free fire tooo so I installed this game knives out and I swear this is the best game ever I have played after pubg,bgmiand free fire trust me U shall also download this game . Thankyou developers for making a brilliant game thankyou very much
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