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Soul Knight
Soul Knight - kkarx_'s Posts - TapTap

635 View2023-12-09
Soul Knight.
A classic game I have played with my cousin and friends.
I don't really know much about the lore and community of this game since I haven't played it since 2021 so I'll just talk about my experience of playing this game.
1. Controls
The controls in the game is simple, not too complex which is good for everyone.
2. Graphics
With my eyes of an artist, I'd say the graphics is decent for a pixel art style of sorts.
3. Gameplay
So the gameplay is about going into dungeons, fighting with monsters, collecting the in-game currencies, some badass weapons. But as I played this game, in my opinion, it became repetitive. If you play with your friends, well surely it won't be boring.
4. Storage
For me, the game is storage friendly. Yeah that's all.
5. Tactics/Strategy
I forgot all of my made-up strategy so it's all up to you to make your own tactics in clearing through the dungeon.
Well that's all. I guess. Maybe the tip of the iceberg, this is my opinionated review of Soul Knight. It is better if you experience the game itself!
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Its a very great game story and atmosphere wise. But classes do not feel unique, and your run 100% is decided by luck. It is too repetitive, and gets boring too quickly. It is one of thier newer games, but I'll take Soul Knight any day. It has too high of a learning curve, but after learning, it usually just revolves around getting a few specific items and desolating everything with no trouble at all.
Soul Knight - Game Review
It never gets boring when you're playing with your friends. Though some characters cost money, there are a lot of weapons too. It's impossible for me to complete and gather all of the weapons/characters/achievements since there have like, hundreds of them. Overall, great game!
Soul Knight Prequel is a grindy, dungeon crawler. From my personal experience I think it's unique and is filled with content and things to keep you busy. However there are some problems, for example it says "connection lost" everytime I try to do something, despite having great internet. The story is great but most of the dialogue and cutscenes are unskippable, you can still speed it up using the fast forward button though. That being said, when you make a new character you have to go through all the story again (still unskippable, of course) and you have to go through the basics again (you can skip the tutorial now however). Other than that you will be kept busy for a while, doing things like collecting cards, better items, battlepass, quests, maxing out and getting a good skill tree, and so on. I think its worth a try, I've been playing for a week straight and im still kept entertained.
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