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Mini Heroes: Summoners War
【January】New Version Preview (Includes Gift Code)

【January】New Version Preview (Includes Gift Code)

494 View2023-12-21
Dear adventurer:
New Generals, New Gameplay Coming Soon!
The brand-new Season Feature is about to be launched! Plus, a new Battle Flag feature is set to open.
Acquire battle flags to boost your combat power.
Don't wait any longer—join in now!
〓Function Activation Time〓
10:00 (GMT+8)
Open after update
〓Gameplay Overview〓
1.Season Optimization.
2.Introduction of Battle Flag Function.
3.Addition of Seasonal Generals Jiang Wei and Zhang Zhao·S.
〓Season Optimization〓
1.If the player's current server was launched within the current month and the season feature is unlocked, they will enter a new server season.
2.Players can choose one past or current seasonal general as their current month's seasonal general.
3.New server seasons feature daily tasks.Complete tasks to earn points and claim point progress rewards.
4.New server seasons last until the end of the month, transitioning to a regular season for the next period.
5.Regular seasons, in addition to the monthly season, introduce Seasonal Challenges.
6.In Seasonal Challenges, players completing challenge tasks can earn rewards.
〓Battle Flag System〓
1.Introduction of the Battle Flag System.
2.Players can equip a battle flag in the formation interface.
3.Battle flags provide combat buffs or skill effects, enhancing the survivability of the player's lineup.
4.Players can view the opponent's battle flag in other players' information and during battles.
5.Battle flags are obtained through Seasonal Challenges.
〓Seasonal Generals★Jiang Wei〓
Kylin spear:attack the enemy in front and attach [Lock] with 50% probability, gain 1 point of Dragon Soul, if accumulated 4 points, release the [Kylin double blades] immediately
Kylin anger:attack all enemies, deal damage and attach [Lock], and gain 2 point of Dragon Soul
Double blades:attack the enemy in front and deal twice damage, the first attack will attach [Lock], and the second attack will attach [Stun]
Dragon chanting:when attaching [Stun] to the enemy, obtain [Fiery] and increase his own attack damage, lasting for 2 rounds
Unyielding:when received a fatal blow in the state of [Fiery], restore HP, only trigger once per fight
〓Awakened Generals★Zhang Zhao▪S〓
Collapse:attack the enemy in front and attach [Curse] with 30% probability
Big fire:attack 3 enemies at random, if the enemy had [Curse], attach [Ignite], otherwise, attach [Curse]
Raid:attack 2 enemies at random, if the enemy had [Curse], attach [Ignite], if the enemy had [Ignite], attach [Disarm]
Restrain:when the number of enemies is more than ours, reduce the received damage when attacked and attach [Curse] with 20% probability, if the enemy had [Curse], attach [Ignite]
War alarms:when his HP is more than 50%, increase his attack damage; when his HP is less than 50%, 50% of the dealt damage will be converted into [Mana Shield]
Note: The skill effects mentioned above are from the test version and are subject to change in the online version.
Version Gift Pack: hero2401
Validity Period: 2023-12-21 -- 2024-01-20
ZBJoy Games
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