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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - tyb_martin's Posts - TapTap

190 View2023-12-25
The balancing is not that good and some hero's are better than others but the gameplay is amazing and fresh.
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Balancing is good you just need to use the counter for the characters


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The game is fun the hero all play differently from each other ,and all of the hero are balanced. I thought at the being of the game you get to choose your first hero but you can't. Game modes are fun but the map need more work all of the map look the same ,but this game is in early access so there will most likely be better map in the future. Lastly the only problem I had in the game is in some matches there were some lag ,but the lag went away later on in the Match.
The game is fun but it have a balance issue , some hero are too op Example : The purple sniper guy whatever his name is ,he so op, he and his teammates can see through his smoke, he can one hit atmost all hero (wtf) and his ult , when he use his beam you dead , one more is the hero upgrade feature this make the game more unbalance for pp who new to this game , i always been matched with enemy who have much higher Hero level than me and my teammates .there r more but this is enough to tell the game still have many thing need to improved
Shrimp Fried1K2022-05-25
This game gameplay is decent. Pace of the game is very fast. But some heroes are very poorly designed/executed. Some heroes rely too much on Buffs, like some heroes who need Blue Buff constanly cannot be played together in a match cause one cannot be played with a Blue Buff. That is not good mechanics. Some have too much burst early game and some takes eternity to reach powerspike. Overall this game is poorly balanced even tho no Moba cannot be perfectly balanced. But this game is over the top Unbalanced
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