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Random Dice: Defense
Random Dice: Defense - kelv's Posts - TapTap

147 View2023-12-29
I got bored of it after half a month or so, but the game offers a lot of free rewards including legendaries and the pvp is also fun. The thing I hate about it is that there are these "energy points" in which are required to play pvp. There are also other modes like co-op which you can get more rewards and work together to reach the highest stage possible. In the end I just didn't feel like playing the game anymore as it got repetitive but definitely a good time killer.
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Marjory ane Payos
Marjory ane Payos



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the game is great and very fun what's more interesting is there's a chance to earn but what I hate is that the game is portrait making it hard to control(the map is long but not huge that's why) And the game has tons of bugs like your screen will turn green and you can't move,You will turn into a invisible players that you can't even see where are you or how much left in your health bar but enemys can see you,Sudden FPS drops,Random teleporting like you will randomly get teleported in the enemy in the start of the game or you will get teleported in the middle of the map. most of the characters are broken and most of them are just trash that you don't need even need to bother to play if you are looking for a quick way to win just use the most broken and annoying characters,Overall the game is fun but need more time to improve im gonna still play it though.
This game is addictive. If you're willing to grind, the monetisation really isn't an issue. I haven't played for a while because other things have taken up my time but it's the kinda game that, once you're ready, jumping back in is no problem. The bosses are somewhat repetitive and the difficulty curve can be a real pain to unlucky players who don't p2w. I never spent a penny on the game and it took me I think until the second week of playing to get a even a legendary weapon! The day after I got a mythic level pet and the game became easy again.
I have been playing this game for over 5 years now, and throughout those years I had so much fun playing! This game is action packed and with different characters, weapons and pets.  It'll take a while for you to get bored! and they also have multiplayer and other game modes. So you can play with your family and friends play different game modes like tower defense and etc. Overall, It's clear that it has a lot to offer in terms of variety, excitement, and replay value, and it's definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of action-packed games with lots of content to explore.
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