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Infestation 88|Mickey Mouse-inspired horror game announced

Infestation 88|Mickey Mouse-inspired horror game announced

2K View2024-01-02
On the first day of 2024, The Walt Disney Company lost their Mickey Mouse. According to copyright laws, Disney's iconic character, the original version of Mickey from Steamboat Willie, expired on January 1, 2024, and entered the public domain, allowing creators to use it freely.
Almost at the same time, a game development team revealed an upcoming horror game inspired by Mickey Mouse called Infestation 88, and it has already opened up for pre-orders on Steam.
According to GameSpot, this game is a multiplayer online cooperative exploration game set in 1988. You play as an exterminator tasked with clearing out dwellings of "twisted versions of classic characters and urban legends." And yes, Mickey Mouse is one of those characters.
The gameplay itself isn't the main point of this game. What's significant is that we finally get to see a different, even slightly sinister version of Mickey Mouse in a non-Disney work—and it's all legal. After all, Disney has historically worked hard to push for and alter copyright legislation to protect its interests, to the extent that U.S. copyright law has been dubbed "the Mickey Mouse Protection Act.”
Legal experts expect Disney to remain highly protective of its brand and Mickey Mouse specifically, so it'll be interesting to see what happens in the days, weeks, and months ahead as inevitably more and more Mickey-related projects come to light due to the public domain status of Steamboat Willie.
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this looks cool


Jame Hillman
Jame Hillman

that looks so fun but I wish I could download but I can't get it


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