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The Wandering Ark
Where heroes collide, literally. like a Pinball | Gameplay - The Wandering Ark

Where heroes collide, literally. like a Pinball | Gameplay - The Wandering Ark

356 View2024-01-04
The Wandering Ark is a mobile strategy game that combines hand-drawn anime aesthetics for its cutscenes and chibi pixel art for its gameplay. In this game, players take on the role of the captain of a massive mobile base called the "Wandering Ark." The setting is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and the player's objective is to recruit legendary heroes, engage in battles against monsters, and rebuild civilization.
The game features a unique pinball-style combat system where heroes, drawn from popular mythologies like Odin, Chang’e, Hou Yi, and Tyr, literally collide in a 5v5 battle on a rectangular arena. The combat is strategic, requiring players to set trajectories for their units to launch and bump into opponents for damage, and then bounce around the arena walls like a pinball.
Aside from the mainline story progression which was largely forgettable, the game includes additional features such as the Nuclear Garden, a Pokémon-like system where players can hunt and cultivate monsters to enhance their heroes. Dungeons provide a farming game mode for rewards and progression, separate from the main missions. Captain's Battle introduces a real-time PvP component with equally leveled heroes for fair competition.

The game is free-to-play with gacha microtransactions, and while it leans very slightly towards pay-to-win in the PvP component, the overall free-to-play experience for me is enjoyable and forgiving. The progression system is smooth and does not feel grindy, without energy or stamina elements, and I was able to obtain some decent heroes in my first few hours of play;
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The Wandering Ark Gameplay (EN) Android Ios
The Wandering Ark is a post-apocalyptic catapult strategy mobile game developed by BlazingCats Studio. The game’s core gameplay revolves around simulating physical collisions. Players control heroes who charge into enemies, dealing damage. With various clever maneuvers and coordinated attacks, unleash unexpectedly cool combos! Subscribe Cabogame For More New Mobile Games: http://bit.ly/2MqOeLG Twitter: http://bit.ly/2KDj6w9
PIXEL WAIFU LAUNCHER! Catapulting to Victory! | The Wandering Ark Quick Review!
Wandering Ark is a pixelated catapult game that has you quite literally catapulting your squad of characters against a bowling alley of enemies in an enclosed space. There are characters who are based off of mythological gods from various pantheons and regular dudes who you can get in your squad. And you must pull them through the gacha system. Characters’ special abilities are locked behind how many times you pull for them, which creates a bad precedent in the long run.
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