👍 Pros: The game is absolutely fantastic, the playability, graphics and mechanics are incredible, besides the story is one of the best I've see, although sometimes it may seem like a lot of text
👎 Cons: Download the game with every asset necessary to play is heavy, on my phone the game takes up about 25 gb, but besides that it's a must play game and with a decent phone you'll be alright to play
Patrick Celis3042024-01-04
I've also played through TapTap. The graphics are pretty awesome and gameplay is smooth.
Author likedgracias por metal slug awakenig
good 👍
pior q é mano, eu tentei com vpn do taiwan mas tbm n funciona, baixei por outros sites e o game fica crashando sozinho depois de uns 10 min jogando, vamo ver se esse da tap tap crasha