So finally after a long waiting time hitman blood money was released for Android and ios. Blood money is considered to be the best hitman game of all time , including the classics. So it's basically a sandbox for you to massacre like a total psycopath , or you can just conplete your assignment without collateral damage.
Basic features - the game supports high graphics , you got a lot of inputs for different actions. You got some graphical changes enhancing the look of the game and this game supports low end compatibility. Controls are fully customizable.has a feature called colour correction which can be turned off for the orignal feel of the game on the orignal ps2 and pc.
Some new features - After 17 years , feral sure figured out some changes for the game. A new minimal which works like the ones in the newer games , there is also an instinct mode that works just like the newer entries. There is also and FOV slider which allows you to change the in game FOV for a better look at the surroundings.
Gameplay - gameplay is the orignal one but enhanced with new features such as an instinct mode. There are different play styles which you can select for your gameplay. And depending on these gameplay styles the game will give you a rating for the same and a bonus according to what level your rating is. Here is a link for the following-

Blending - Hitman: Blood Money Guide - IGN
Storyline - the story remains the same as the orignal. I won't explain this section a lot cuz i dont
Want to spoil the game for ya.
Bugs and Glitches - Yes there are some bugs and glitches here and there such as the enemies will be stuck at one point , 47 starts floating in the air in the mission till death do us apart in the area near bushes. There are some annoying crashes. But these are only some minor bugs that will be surely fixed (or not) in the future updates.
OVERALL: for the low amount of price you have yo pay for such an amazing experience, it is totally worth it. So in my opinion it is 9/10 , only the bugs and glitches take out 1 rating point of the game.
9/10 is pretty generous but you convinced me. Downloading now.
Author likedhaha thanks , just beware if the glitches tho. so save while you can cuz yesterday when I was playing I randomly got telephoned out of a lift and died , good thing is that I just had saved my game. and yeah before just attacking your target remember that there are plenty of ways in which you can finish your targets and steal disguises or even do the mission without em