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GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE - star6092v's Posts - TapTap

100 View2024-01-15
👍 Pros: Love the art and the soundtrack is amazing. I actually quite like the hands off gameplay.
👎 Cons: Loading takes forever. To the point I feel like dailies are a chore and eventually quit the game. Also, I'm not sure why people always say this game is generous. Doesn't feel like it to me.
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👍 Pros: It's a very good game with great combat mechanics and storyline, I love it. 👎 Cons: I hate the fact that they made a mobile version that keeps crashing and changing the graphics settings do not work.
Isaiah Martin692024-05-26
👍 Pros: It's a fun fan game that has well made mechanics, and has many collectible items. 👎 Cons: it doesn't get updates and is buggy where you can't unlock certain things.
📖 Storyline: is amazing 🎮 Gameplay: is smooth as butter and can vary to suit anyone taste 👍 Pros: the game is 100% free to play no by any means p2w . Yet still you can pay to speed stuff up but literally you can get anything for free with enough time 👎 Cons: you are going to lose 1k hours easily in this game because it so frickin good
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