Anime games with base 3d characters and voice lines that are quite complete when talking, not to mention the fighting animation when the game is quite good ah I was surprised about this, and they also have a guild system.
And uniquely, here they have a realm where you can enter the area and meet other players, unfortunately not many people know about it.
The gacha in this game is very friendly, and the female character is very waifuable for those of you who just want to get a waifu gacha to see her fighting style.
As usual, they have daily login rewards every day so that your character becomes stronger, and again, each character has their own information, if it's his birthday, the developer will tell you that the character is having his birthday, cool isn't it.
Accommodating anime fans with solid 3D and voice lines? I'm sold.
yup, combination 3d and 2d