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The Last Shelter
The Last Shelter - Luk Brandstätte's Posts - TapTap

372 View2024-01-23
Wow this game is so bad.. It looks bas, the gameplay is bad and the sound is bad.. The graphics are so bad it looks like a ps1 game.. It was a long time ago i saw a game which was so garbage like this one.. I have no words.. How is it even possible in 2024 to "develope" a game sobad like this
🎮 Gameplay: 🕹️ Controls: 🎨 Graphics: 🎵 Sound: 🎬 Presentation:
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guys don't judges they hard work for that things and yk i already experience to make a game and this hard like u need good pc and have good storage so plas don't judges this stil a game if u don't want it just rate it u did not make the game so you don't have guys permission to judge and thank you God bless



bro tell the devs what is bad... sure they will try to make this game better


3LiaZ3ung M3ru
3LiaZ3ung M3ru

Yeah the literally copied the loot system and gameplay from Grim Soul dark fantasy and Left to survive hahaha and thought we wouldn't notice 🤣


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Great graphics but holy fuck , the camera angle is terrible , the way the player moves is terrible , the basic foundation of controls is terrible , it feels like a half assed gamed . I feel like y'all spent all of y'all's time working on visuals and not enough on mechanics because wow the game is so wonky and controls are terrible
24 playz352024-03-21
Trash 🗑️ gameplay
Concept is awesome...but the gameplay is trash... Graphics are soo good... Controls are trash... This game is great but it's gameplay is worse than expected ...🙂🤝🏻
TEJUS SONI2K2023-03-01
This game is really bad. Control feels like it's made for controller or mouse and keyboard but does not support. Movement and animations are done very poorly, no fun gamemodes or competitive modes. This game needs a lot of work to compete with any of the new game coming soon. Unplayable at the point
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