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Plants vs. Zombies™ 3
Plants vs. Zombies™ 3 - Exca's Posts - TapTap

61 View2024-01-24
👎 Cons: you cant choose plants before starting the level, you just play whit what they give you
Theres a invasive tutorial for EVERY single power up or plant in the game
Fogthing agaisnt zombies is basically a minigame now sience the main gameplay is restoring the village as if you were in goddamm clash fo clans
Got ride of some plants and turned them into power ups, such as cherry bombs or jalapenos
The game has GOD DAMM LIVES in 2024 (obs you can regain them whit money cause EA)
The music is garbage
Levels are really short
Theres a meter that fills during the level, when it colpletes ATOMATICALLY a grape starts shooting explosives grapes at zombies, cannot control when to shoot it, cannot deactivate to achieve greater difficulty can and WILL activate more than once pher level, wich keeping in mind how short levels are its very stupid.
👍 Pros: uhh... the x2 speed button is there
They got ride of the lawn mowers and replaced it whit a robot that does the same as the lawn mowers but only 1line and 1 pher level, wich could be nice and bring extra difficult if it wasnt because of the fact that the game gives you 6 (as far as i played yet) power ups where 2 are instakills and have no cooldown
🕹️ Controls: ok i have a specific problems whit this but its kinda important to me
If you touch the seed of a plant and then grab a sun our touch a power up accidentally (wich is not hard because they are pretty big), then you cant place the plant until you touch the seed again, same happens whit the shovel
Cocnlusion: an EA develompent truly, and yes of course it has lots of p2w and microtransactions, its EA for godsake
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Exca Author

ive now played further levels and have a few things to add, firts of all, there still levels that are 30 seconds long... wth man they really trying to make the city rebuild the main gameplay huh? pretty shitty so history not bad thats an upside but the main problem whit this game, is not that it makes LOTS of things bad, the problem is that those thing that it does bad, ARE HORRYBLE, WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK THERES A LIFE SYSTEM IN A 2024 GAME this aint candy crush EA the main gameplay is actually pretty fun and graphics are great, mfs juts cant let you play the actual game 5 minutes straight cause just when its starting to get fun the level ends, sometime you barely have enough time to actually fill 2 collums of attack plants because of how short they are difficulty is another problem, this game really gives you the easiest level of gaming history just for the next level be impossible to complete whitout using power ups, difficult its nice, we want a challenge, but this is not difficult, your just sofblocking completing the level behiend power ups, wich is such a shamefull way to encorage p2w EA, at least in pvz2 you could complete the levels whitout using power ups, in this game you reach a point when the sun producttion and you plants damage its just not enough to match what kind of zombies come , the amount of them, and the speed of their spawnrate, all of this could be justifiable if it was for the fact that this game has been in development for several years, and they keep claiming that theyr are listening to the communitty so they can make the game better, if you were listening to the communitty you would have know that everything you needed to do, was a pvz1 or 2 whit new graphics extra plants extra zombies and somme gimmicks on the law time to time, of these you just did 1, gimmicks on the lawn, sience theres like 2 new plants on the whole game, the others a reused planta from previuos pvz, meaning that they only needed to redo their sprites sience their mechanics were already made in previous pvzs


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👍 Pros: Impressive graphics, nice audio, great animations. 👎 Cons: Gets boring when you play the game for too long. NPCS are smart and follows you everywhere. No objectives. 🎮 Gameplay: The grass follows to where you are facing (Try to look down by swiping the screen down). A bit confusing, especially when you don't know how and what to do in this game. The zombies is too scary, their faces makes me wanna quit the game.
Limp Fosgs2722024-04-22
👍 Pros: Its a PvZ game. Nice music, graphic and art is a little step back from PvZ 2, but i still appreciate it, they have a little design themes choice for players. 👎 Cons: Story needs a ticket to progress. The battle part of the game is not story focused anymore, its more like a chore to progressing the story to get tickets. You dont "collect" plants anymore, the plant is picked and set for you to use, cant costumize the plant either. Every touch and swipe feels clunky and slow, there isnt actual good touch visual feedback in my time of playing this game.
Derajat Taruno Jati1182024-01-21
👍 Pros: Is so beautifull and I love it.👎 Cons: You don't can chose your plants because the game shose it for you and for me that makes so dificult .🎮 Gameplay: The gameplay is so good.📖 Storyline: I love so much the storyline of plants vs zombies.🕹️ Controls: I like the controls.
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