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Reaper - deadlycrackdown's Posts - TapTap

41 View2024-01-27
I'm sure many people have played this game.ย  This is the same legendary game that we played on our phones and Iโ€™m sure we returned to it to remember the past.
๐Ÿ“– Storyline: Here we play as a swordsman who takes on various tasks to earn extra money for a new weapon.ย  The game does have a story, as well as variable gameplay.ย  We can really drag out tasks in order to fill our pockets with money.
๐Ÿ‘ Pros: Most of the battles are just jumping from side to side and randomly hitting opponents. Very bouncy gold drops from the opponents, which we can spend on good equipment in the store. Even though the enemies are varied, it doesn't affect the gameplay. We'll all still be jumping and hitting opponents. Despite this, the game feels full and I believe that is enough for such a game. It's the first time I've seen gameplay that really works harmoniously with the other mechanics of the game.
๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: I would say that the monotonous gameplay is what will make you uninstall this gaI would say that the monotonous gameplay is what will make you uninstall this game. The levels are monotonous, they are still horizontal, which affects the immersion, and also does not allow you to consciously play this game. me. The levels are monotonous, they are still horizontal, this affects the immersion, and also does not allow you to consciously play this game.
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๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay: it's not good, you literally level up once per attack the first 5-6 levels. It's outdated looking and playing. ๐Ÿ“– Storyline: The storyline seems to be mostly click here and buy this. ๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: This game is trying to shove iaps down your face from the start. ๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: There are a huge number of menus and pop-ups all over the screen trying to get you to buy stuff at any time. ๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: Auto play trash game..
Mad Maddy6362023-10-17
๐Ÿ‘Ž Cons: The story is chaotic and you just canโ€™t make any sense at all and I really tried and didnโ€™t skip anything. Which for me in a solo game is the Alpha reason to want to see its end, but without it after playing couple of hours and defeating couple of bosses felt like a zombie game where you repeat the same tactics over and over again with only some minor changes to adjust to their weaknesses. Also for me the defence system felt wrong for a strategy game, and also sometimes buggy when the enemyโ€™s attack was fast cause there wasnโ€™t much room to change your character.
Having so much fun with this game lately although its not the best game, but it's still enjoyable. ๐Ÿ‘ Pros: I saw others complaining about how it doesn't have the 'auto' buttons thingy and god I'm glad this game don't have that button. That will only ruin the game that should be fun to play. This type of game have a lighter mood and not very hard in my opinion, the grinding should be focused on the type of equipment we needed, I just don't think its suitable to have auto in this game, this way everytime I have the chance to play I keep having the same amount of fun in it without having the thought to be lazy.
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