🎮 Game: Matr1x Fire [Test]
🍭 Platform: Android | iOS | PC |
✨ Genre: Action | Shooter | 3D | Play To Earn |
🔫Matrix Fire is a action shooter arena game that is out for testing for both iOS and Android devices. But at the time of writing this, there is complications with the iOS test for the game. It may become available at a later date. But for now I tested the game on my android device. The game is a play to earn game where you can grow and cultivate your characters and sell them off as NFT's. As well as just enjoy the game for the different modes it has available.
🔫Play To Earn
🔫Cultivate characters to sell
🔫Play 3 modes from Ranked to Deathmatch
🔫Choose from an array of guns
🔫Complete missions to unlock battle pass rewards
🔫Customize your account with unlockable frames and banners
🔫Choose different characters to play as
🔫Earn loot boxes with weapon skins from playing the game

💖Overall I'd say that when you look at the pure gameplay aspect of Matrix Fire, it's not a bad game at all. The modes you can play are fun and challenging, and I definitely enjoyed the deathmatch mode the most. And spent most my time playing it. You can earn loot boxes by playing the game, and I was surprised to get an epic weapon skin during my time testing the game. Of course this is a play to earn game, and that will have you either loving the game or hating it. But I think that this game is pretty fun, regardless of the play to earn aspect of the game. Whether it will make the game pay to win though... I'm not 100% sure. I know that when you sell off a character NFT it leaves your account. But I don't know what happens to it after that. Does the one who purchased it get to then use that super strong character you grew and compete with it? If so then the game will definitely be pay to win. But I have no way of confirming it myself. So for now it's just speculation. Regardless... When I just take the gameplay into account... I enjoyed it overall. So for the score of the game, I'll give it a 7/10 based on the gameplay alone.
i am can't playing this game and stuck at 70%
same 😭😔
mine stuck 70%
yeah no, are you paid to give it good score or something? it literally was a horrible experience super laggy and unpolished lot of bugs, gameplay pretty boring since it adds nothing new just csgo with valorant graphics, and the maps literally taken from csgo and got remodeled, game needs a lot of work and needs to add new stuff to freshen up the idea or it will literally end before it begins, even more so since valorant is already very close to get in Mobile.