Developed as a flagship product for the MATR1X web3 entertainment platform, Matr1x Fire is a first-person shooter game designed for mobile devices. Players choose characters from a roster and engage in five-person team battles. The game is currently on a beta testing phase that started last Jan 26 and will last around a month and a half.

Technical issues plague this interesting mash-up of CS and Valorant | Review - Matr1x FIRE beta
The game may look very similar to the game Valorant, featuring similar color palletes, weapon designs, character styles, and even the menu animations, which in turn most of it inspired by another popular shooter, Counter Strike.
Playing the game, the gameplay format it has adopted is actually much closer to Counter Strike than Valorant — no hero skills, no flashy abilities; only grenades like flash, smoke, and frag grenades which adds a lot of tactical element into the game that CS players will find very familiar with.
The current test version features three main game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Competitive mode. Deathmatch is your basic "kill everyone you die and respawn immediately upon dying" mode, with the first player to reach 30 kills winning the round. Team Deathmatch is a 5v5 fight, and the first team to reach 70 kills wins.
I am lagging in that game I hope they fix it I have good fps but I cant run it in the game
play it install it already but it keep on crashing ....cant enter it the second time
Install warp on Playstore and turn it on it's best and take only few seconds to on it compared to vpn and play smoothly
already install it but can't play it, it always FC before I can get in