Death Stranding is renowned for its departure from traditional gaming norms and what adopts what I would like to call an “anti-game” approach. Players assume the role of Sam Porter Bridges, portrayed by Norman Reedus (known for his role as Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead), navigating a post-apocalyptic world to reconnect isolated cities affected by the mysterious "Death Stranding" event. The gameplay emphasizes the journey itself, with a focus on planning routes, managing cargo, and traversing challenging terrains.

Now on mobile, is it still that visual and cinematic masterpiece? | Review - Death Stranding
After initially releasing for consoles and PC a few years ago, it is now finally available for iOS/iPadOS/Mac Apple devices, being sold in the App Store for $19.99, 50% cheaper than current other offerings. There are touch controls implemented, but a physical controller is still highly recommended for this game.
Unlike traditional games where the main gameplay and action take place in cities or destinations, where fast travel is obsessively needed and used by players, Death Stranding is the exact opposite and focuses on the actual journey. Planning the routes, bringing the appropriate gear, and navigating the challenging terrain - sometimes with hostile threats.
The gameplay revolves around these aspects, rather than the actual destination or cities. Upon reaching these destinations, players will find that there is mostly nothing there but another hologram to interact with. It serves as a quintessential example of an anti-game in many respects.
Being a mobile port, the visuals runs at a lower resolution than its console counterparts, but by no means does it look bad. It still looks impressive, especially during cutscenes and character close-ups, the details still stand out and you’re still getting a stellar cinematic experience. It's just one of the last major games released for the PS4/PS5 now running on a phone, much like RE4 and Village. While not perfect, it's certainly a good start.