Kingdom: The Blood is an upcoming third-person action role-playing game (ARPG) based on the popular Netflix miniseries "Kingdom" which is set in ancient Korea during a zombie apocalypse.
With AAA-level graphics, hack-and-slash combat, and live service elements, Kingdom: The Blood promises an engaging combat-oriented experience for players. it is currently in beta testing phase from February 5 to March 4, 2024, with the game also scheduled to release in March 2024.
The hack-and-slash combat and AAA graphics looks promising | Beta Review - Kingdom: The Blood
As a third-person hack-and-slash ARPG, Kingdom: The Blood emphasizes fast-paced combat and survival gameplay. Players wield melee and ranged weapons (depending on the character) to dispatch enemies, utilizing a variety of skills to create devastating combos. The game features a chapter-based progression system, with each level filled with zombies and human enemies alike and culminating in challenging boss fights.
The game is a third-person hack-and-slash game that might remind you of games like Nioh or Dark Souls. The combat is actually decent here. It feels good on the offensive, animations feel smooth, and slashing zombies is gratifying. Defensively, it's another story; parrying attacks is clunky and doesn't work 90% of the time. There is a huge input lag for both parry and dodging, and zombies' only attack is to grab you and lock you in an annoying biting animation. Seriously if they manage to fix this, the game the combat will be much better.