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dropcult - judecider's Posts - TapTap

388 View2024-02-11
I don't know where to start with this game because it took me by surprise but before we dive right in you can feel free to tell me about anything I've missed or correct me if I'm wrong on anything that way we share accurate information and with that out of the way, let's get into this.
1. Visuals.
The game is a stylized fighting game think of it like stickman but in 8K type of thing based on the 8K memes. The visual effects are beautiful and on the highest settings you get a fish eye effect, motion blur and detailed shadows. The visuals are a treat and the animations are so fluid making the gameplay very active and enjoyable.
2. Gameplay.
The game is a 3D fighting game built on a 2D plane so you don't have to worry about side stepping, the gameplay is solid and although it's not structured like a proper fighting game with frame data and complex combos you can get technical and still play like a nerd if you're like me but the main point of the game design is mindless fun, the actions are precise and reflect your inputs so you don't have to worry about wrong inputs.
3. Controls.
There isn't a lot going on in the controls department but before that there is no controller support unfortunately, I tried and it didn't work for me, maybe it might for you and if so then you're lucky. For on-screen controls we have movement and actions.
For movement, you have your virtual joystick on the left which you can unlock if you're into the floating virtual joystick.
For actions, you have 2 attack buttons which are punch and kick, you have a block text which you use to block and also backdash when you hold back and tap block, the only issue here is that the text is pretty easy to miss but you don't have to worry about not hitting it as any free space on the far right of your screen doubles as block and finally we have the grab/shove button, the button looks like a hand ready to grab something😉. The button has 2 functions so when paired with Up on the joystick you perform a clinch on the opponent but you cannot attack them for some reason and when you tap the button you shove your opponent. The controls are simple by my standards because I've seen quite a few games with a lot of stuff.
4. Game Modes.
The game is still being developed so new things are to be added later but for now you can only play with the CPU in either practice mode or survival mode which is split in 2; Causal and HARDAF. There is currently no multiplayer mode but you can see the option on the main menu so be rest assured, it will be available soon.
5. Roster.
A roster in a fighting game is a must but this game isn't like other fighting games so when you start the game you are greeted with a basic model which is customizable but the only issue is that you need 10K Units or subscribers in this case to have access to the customization menu, in there you can adjust muscle mass, height and the size of certain parts on your character model. The only roster here is your in-game model which is fine in my opinion.
6. Currencies.
The game deals with about 4 currency types but only 3 are currently significant. We have:
-Subs which you get from playing either Casual or HARDAF modes.
-Likes which you get as you fight.
-Diamonds which you buy.
-Smoke Rings which can be used for content not yet available in the game which you buy.
All these currencies can be used to further customize your character model with clothes, shoes, accessories and tattoos.
7. Performance.
The game ran smoothly on my LG V50 which houses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 so if you have anything remotely new know that you can run this game at full force with no issues.
8. Verdict.
My final thoughts on this game... They got my attention and I'll be keeping my eye on it, hopefully I'll make some gameplay videos if I'm not too lazy but I recommend this game to anyone who just wants to have a good time.
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Richard Verzosa
Richard Verzosa

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judecider Author

Can you explain please?


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king von
king von

good game 😄


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Those visuals sound intriguing! Can't wait to dive into some 8K meme fighting scenes.


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What a weird game So this game is trying to be a fighter game like the many Mortal kombat, Street Fighter and various other games. But I don't see it. It also for what ever reason has nfts and how I understand it you can create your own characters or something... Somehow. But back to the gameplay the controls are just buttom spamming there doesn't really seem to be a point to blocking there's also no parry and no finisher moves. The games got jiggle physics so that's something atleast but other then that the game isn't very good.
Interesting fighting style game. It's like someone combined Rampage & Super Smash Bros. Without using a controller/gamelan, the controls were a little difficult. I did not use a controller to play. But I'm sure I would've enjoyed it more if I did. Other than that, it's a neat concept.
This game is great so far! A pixelized fighting game, kinda inspired by Smash bros. The controls are quite easy to use as well. You might need to practice more in order to get better in the game. The pixel-style graphics are great as well and it gives the nostalgic and classic feels. Overall, the game is really good. I don't like the usual ads that constantly pops up. But I greatly recommend this game.
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