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what a sh*te game

what a sh*te game

49 View2024-02-13
👎 Cons: looks ugly 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: stupid turned based strategy and slow mechanics. Not worth my time playing. Might  be good for people who want to waste their time, but it doesnt even lookna like a disney game, where are the characters? 👎 Cons: looks like a fake game, looks like a tower defense game
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Waited for sooooo long to play this game and its trash!!! 10 other games just like it. And they are better!!!! Pros: Looks Cool Cons: Everything else!!!!!!
👍 Pros: Characters well design amd good abilities 👎 Cons: no issues ATM. 🎮 Gameplay: it's a idle play but it's fun when you keep proceeding the game 🕹️ Controls: simple 🎵 Sound: the music is so amazing so far 🎨 Graphics: graphics is mostly 2d but sometime when you view your characters it goes 2d or 3d I must I've been playing the game for a couple days and I love it so far. It's your choice if you want to play it or not. Feel free to try it out. Welcome@2024
Garbage , this "game" feels like it was made by some boomer who only heard of an MMORPG in passing and said he wanted to make one as well. Pros : Cutscenes well realized Art Style is weird but easy to get used to Decent Graphics Cons: Auto Everything No customization whatsoever No skill depth whatsoever The whole "game" pretty much Whoever greenlit this game should get fired. NCSoft has lost me forever with trash lineage games.
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