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Day R Premium
Day R Premium - polina 's Posts - TapTap

83 View2024-02-22
👍 Pros: oh I have to say is if you're into very hardcore survival realistic survival this game is definitely for you for a turn based survival game a heavy open world lots of things to do a good looting type game there's so much things you can do when this game the map is huge
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👍 Pros: Fun tactical little survival game 👎 Cons: don't play if you get stressed easily 🎮 Gameplay: easy to understand and just jump right into Not for the faint of frog
👍 Pros: good open world game for zombie survival 🎮 Gameplay: the game is pretty decent but it has its flaws 👎 Cons: you die randomly sometimes 👎 Cons: level design is not that good 👎 Cons: I feel like they should be like some type of objective too to get points and stuff except for just walking around 📖 Storyline: lack of a storyline
polina 392024-02-22
👎 Cons:  Bland copy paste survival game 👍 Pros:  fast and flashy combat, rather scandalous characters, small Mb size (0.9 Gb) fair gacha system that cheap and f2p, complex equipment system that can allow you to strategize your playstyle. Played this game for like two days and uninstalled, don't get me wrong g the game is very fun and appealing for those who like gacha games and Waifu collectors but, it offers nothing unique on the market. If you play it you will have fun.
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