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Honor of Kings
Honor of Kings - Vo 1ce's Posts - TapTap

66 View2024-02-29
Okay so this is my entire review for the game, so coming from someone who already playing the entire genre for over 10 years. Like this MOBA is not the one, not worth the hype for over 2 years,
1. Champions most of the time just aov champion on different suit ( I know some of you gonna saying "but this is the one before aov" to that I said "why waiting 6 years then to make global port with almost no improvement and no differences")
2. Well since it's almost aov carbon copy and with timi as developer you know, and I know this game will be the most outrageous pricing on anything.
3. Matchmaking kinda weird because we just do quantity over quality meaning yes you get matchmaking faster but the match quality will just rage inducing.
4. At least aov having rune to counter balance some stuff while this game nope not even have that because we just want everyone buy a lot arcane ( yes it's the old rune page that league already abandoned, the same system as pokemon unite emblem, the old mlbb rune system, and every single scamy MOBA out there will have this system).
Overall the game it's self almost a carbon copy of aov with maybe few "new" archtype's and nothing else, and it's just not worth a 2 years in the making, if I want just to see a thirsty trap skin aov is right there. Just a shame in general
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