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Harekat 2 : Online
Harekat 2 : Online - tofu's Posts - TapTap

529 View2024-03-16
Pretty decent game, it's similar to Arma in PC. Now the performance of the game is pretty good but when you're playing for over 15mins the game FPS slowly decreasing (Mid, unlimited fps, 0.7) I hope devs will address that In the future. Suggestions: it would be nice if they will add like a side bar, this will play as a Inventory (pockets/ Bag) shortcut in which players can share ammo, first aid, and even gun attachments with other player. Another is a larger map, maybe a bigger version of the present dessert map in the game. Add more game mode (hostage rescue, QRF, convoy patrol/ escort), in hostage well as the name suggest it's similar to the present mode in the game but this one you need to coordinate a plan in order to save hostages not just shoot there shoot here. QRF (Quick Reaction Force) a four player mode in which the squad will travel in a certain location in order to make a successful EVAC of allied Npc (heavy insurgent attack). Convoy patrol/ Escort 5V5, in this mode players max of ten will participate in escorting a certain vehicle (V.I.P) to it's route until it got to it's exact destination (anticipated ambush, and very heavy insurgent attack). And for the last so far, customizable UI control, command wheel, and maybe improve gun sound effects.
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Fck U Mani GGA
Fck U Mani GGA

Cap, gameplay is trash, no settings to change/edit layout, no gyro aim support, jump animation and UI looks wack as fck.


tofu Author

did you read the whole F paragraph???


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great game and fun I like how the game got a tactical feeling while playing just needs more detailed new & bigger spaced maps I feel like the maps are half way put together if they really took the time to update and fix certain stuff it would be a great game also add gun skins and get rid of the rocket launcher too it's too OP and it's annoying and try not to make tall buildings to high cause people just camp and you can't see the roof top unless you far back or they peek but other then that the game fun just need some fixes
Cory W1K2022-05-04
It's nice but needs a lot more work some things are really unrealistic
its nice & all but needs more work on the explosions of tanks they just disappear would be nice too use as cover add helicopters like the apache chinook or the same ones trom battlefield big ones or not the buzzard looking ones from gta v cuz those helicopters are soo overated but if you do at least add different arsenal of vehicles & helicopters but different modes like with just tanks or helicopters some bigger maps like a ground war mode bot modes with all the multiplayer mode with challenges & rewards if that happens make the bots super hard & have ai or not would be nice too add sliding maybe more vehicles or pedestrian vehicles rog system free roam mission area like the division would be dope & having safe zone camp bunker base survival mode raid or defend from players ,& bots where you can have soldiers take out bases & another survival mode where its 4 too 8 or 16 & more players there are the harder it gets nore bots more tanks more planes more getting attacked by helicopters if you can add planes would be nice game is great but buildings antennas dont get destroyed or the ground would be nice too of the driving system was a wheel if the ads has ads not sure if people are ok with paraglides if so have amode on It guns shoot really nice & smooth... If guns shoot more realistic it be a bonus adding female/male character options would be dope too blow up planes as well big planes fall hit too the ground realistically & can also use the rubble as well as cover but when its on fire it can burn you & it stays during the whole match reset repeat if heads blown up realistically as graphics or gore settings blow peoples arms or lets off...
SAILOR MOON2K2022-11-14
this game is a lot of fun... but it needs some things. more guns and equipment, if it is staying online it would be awesome for multiplayer. the controls are not horrifiying, but could use some work, like other comands, like jumping. i like the cover mechinizem, but it can get a little annoying. a team of 4 would be great. but this game over all is great!
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