
Games worth discovering

Sausage Man
a kid who crying because he not know how to get down

a kid who crying because he not know how to get down

78 View2024-03-21
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who likes to get stuck into this childish but cool game
Vanek best bro ⚡382024-03-05
This game is an excellent portrayal of how humans are very brittle and unstable. The mere words by someone else that can be deemed insignificant, can be the catalyst of one's breakdown. In this game, the girl who shall not be named is strawmanning Ego for her problems as she sees control as a hindrance rather than a safeguard. Both the girl who shall not be named and Ego are in the wrong. Too much control is imprisonment, to less is anarchy. The player in this story is the middleman, creating peace between two sides, a compromise perse. It also is a deep dive into who you are. Some things I knew, but I didn’t want to think about. This game told me the problems I have in the most blunt way possible. Kudos to this game for handling something like this tastefully. It shows how a person such as you, can be broken with too much or too little self control. In conclusion, 10/10. (🤓)
I love this game especially when I'm sad and depressed I can play this
sAndrei Christopher Torrion662024-01-27
Nine Sols
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