My boy sephiroth on first 5 star pull
Normally I would always go for the waifus first but this time I just can't look past on my boy Calcharo ( aka. Sephiroth ). I just love the design, voice, play style and so on. Prepared for hours and hours of reroll to get him but pulled my boy on my first 5 star pull. To sad that it took me to the petty but can't complain. For the selective gonna go for the lolli Verina and I'm good to go. Love this game so farπ
Ulli Mulli2022024-05-24
All 3 male characters looks very similar like they are twins, I would like to have more action in this game
you're eyes needs to be checked
The visuals of this game are so good. and the cutscenes, story is also good, but!!! It takes so many resources to lvl up a single memory card!! and we have to upgrade so many of them for all 3 of their team. Ways to earn diamonds are very few. it gets boring