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Life in Adventure
Life in Adventure - jay one's Posts - TapTap

116 View2024-03-24
this game is the best RPG I ever played since it has multiple choiced endings and multiple decisions u can do all leading to a different type of ending theres some good love stories,good weapons,and armour..in other words it's a good game
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Omg very good game, the rule is: if tha game has bad ending and good ending the game surely is not bad. All aspects of this is nice like graphics, lore, gameplay, ost, etc are good, it is a excellent adventure game with a incrivable lore and good characters. 👍 Pros:  there is a rouguelike mode; there are many secrets and the puzzels are great 👎 Cons: short Game, I made 100% in 4h
The game is truly great offer wide array of unique characters,the visuals are fantastic with the characters with unique ablities the game is just awesome
Very good game with good plot and multiple endings however it is really short. I was able to beat the game and get all endings in about an hr. Dont let this discourage you though.
k burraku1K2023-05-14
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