
Games worth discovering

Retro Rampage
A 2D zombie apocalypse game

A 2D zombie apocalypse game

608 View2024-03-27
Many different characters
You will see small details from facials expressions of the dog of Logan(main character)from the way Roxy walks(skateboard)
They do have different weapons using different ammo from pistols to snipers
7 day event gives you Christine and she is very handy if you can get her
If you decide to play as a f2p you won't have any problems with progressing in later chapters but
Huge plethora of enemies from simple monsters to elites and bosses
Very nice detailes from characters to environment
The characters will shoot to the direction the direction they look at
Sadly there is a gacha system for characters with the drop rate not being very generous
Reminds me a bit of fallout shelter with the buildings
Honestly I though it would be something very different but they surprised me greatly
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Pros The story is fine Big map to enjoy, plenty of zombies to kill,you star with one character and you find others to recruit (max 5 people)to help you survive. When the bar reaches at max you gain one Point to upgrade or acquire new perks. The more you play in the city your make your team and you have to save them so you can use them on team level up mode You can either play in auto or manually
Bill Nature2692024-04-24
👎 Cons: no storyline you just spawn somewhere and might get attacked by zombies instantly, the controls isn't that great, shooting doesn't work sometimes, driving is horrible if you crash a few times it will blow up and kill you, the hunger and thirst drains too fast and its hardly anything to drink for thirst, the zombies are too strong and it's no way to evade them so they should add a feat. To roll or dodge, everything is kinda repetitive and the spawns are odd
Game is good but controls require some tweaks and reduce the difficulty in finding resources or fighting zombies I still had machete and gun with limited bullets which I consider very hard to acquire even if u have to craft them u still need some stuff which is very hard to attain if the zombies are in hordes sneak attacks are limited unless u approach at a closer range which might get u exposed it's a 50/50 chance I died and lost it all game is purely pay to win traps tossing range is too low dodging attacks is limited through special moves the damage u take is very high might lose a character or 2 depending on the type of zombie or marauders with automatics will shoot u down in an instant
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