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Eternal Evolution
Version Update Notice - Eternal Evolution

Version Update Notice - Eternal Evolution

130 View2024-04-02
Dear Commanders,

Eternal Evolution will undergo scheduled maintenance on SEA, Traditional CN, and Asia servers on April 3, at 6:30 AM (GMT/UTC+0) for 150 minutes, and another maintenance on EU, NA, and Global servers at around 8:30 AM (GMT/UTC+0) for 30 minutes to apply a new version. During the maintenance period, all servers will be closed in sequence at the corresponding time points, so please prepare in advance. We apologize for the inconvenience. We would love to offer you 500 Diamonds as a compensatory gift, please claim it in your mailbox after the update.🎁
Version Update Details:
✨[New Heroes and Hero Optimizations]✨
- Added new awakenable hero: Womigon
1. New Ultimate Skill: Whipping Lightning
Womigon unleashes a powerful tail strike, pushing back all targets in front of him and knocking them down, dealing damage equal to a percentage of max HP.^In dragon form: After hitting with the tail, deals additional strikes with a thunderstorm, dealing damage in an area equal to  a percentage of max HP and Knocking down enemies.^Each damage dealt of this skill can stop Charges, cannot be Critical.
Potential Effect: The area of the lightning strike expands, damage dealt is increased and is calculated instantly, cannot be delayed.^At the same time inflicts Paralysis on enemies: the target cannot activate Basic Skills and Area Damage taken is increased.
2. New Passive Skill: Dragon's Blood
Womigon's Dragon Form becomes larger, which increases DMG AMP and Max HP.^Gains Thunder Shield while in the Dragon Form: All damage taken is reduced.
Potential Effect: The time for transformation into the dragon form is reduced. Transforming additionally gives a Shield equal to a percentage of Max HP.
✨[New Events and Event Optimizations]✨
- A new Wish-list Recruitment event, Divine Blessing, will open on some servers. During the event, you will have a chance to recruit SSS Heroes Womigon, Amat, Ares, and Elite Heros Zander, Rakkana, Bot Mark II in Limited Recruitment, and you will be guaranteed to receive a wish-list SSS hero every 60 limited recruitments.
*Event Duration: 7 days.
- A new Return to Giant Tower event will open on some servers. The main rewards of this event are changed to Womigon copies and Womigon's Soul Crystal Nucleus.
*Event Duration: 7 days.
- A new Quantum Mimic Machine event will open on some servers. The main rewards of this event are changed to Sif copies and the red divine prototype Ruler's Ring.
*Event Duration: 7 days.
- A new Hero Rally event will open on most servers.
*Event Duration: 7 days.
- A new Galactic Bounty event will open on some servers. The main rewards of this event are changed to Taresh copies.
*Event Duration: 11 days.
- A new season of Ascension Arena will open on most servers on April 6. The buff heroes of this season are Koraxia, Womigon, and a mysterious new hero.
*Event Duration: 14 days.

✨[Game Content Adjustments and Optimizations]✨
- Added New version of Guild versus Guild (GVG) Competition:
1. The new version of GVG Competition supports both Guild and PVP bonuses. Eg: Masrani can be deployed as the sixth hero in your teams.
2. New GVG Competition Rewards will no longer be affected by Galactic Arena rankings, and guild rankings will be cancelled.
3. New GVG Competition will last for one week after opening, during which three matches will be held.
4. The matching mechanism will be pairwise matching between guilds in the same war zone.
5. The outcome will be determined by the total points obtained by both attacking and defending guilds.
6. Points can be obtained by guild member attacks. Each attack consists of three battles. The more battles won, the higher the points earned. Defeating opponents with higher combat power yields more points.
7. Added Season Buffed Hero: Winning battles with Season Buffed Heroes deployed in the team earns additional points.
8. Added event tasks unlocked with each competition.
9. The main rewards are upgrade items for Commander Technology:Gene Evolution Cores

✨[Bug Fixes]✨
- Fixed the description of Easter Trophy Holy Egg: 
      All Heroes gain +4% ATK, the effect is doubled in Endless Battle
- Fixed the issue with incorrect recommended attributes for Jaxidi's equipment.
- Fixed the issue with missing Thunderstorm Barrier tags for Zane's BUFF.
That's all for this version's main content. However, the update content may be changed, and the upcoming new version shall prevail. If you encounter any problems after the update, please contact us in the Help Center, and we will help you solve the problems ASAP. 🥰
Enjoy your game!

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