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Punishing: Gray Raven
here for the people have a second thoughts of downloading the punishing gray raven A.K.A pgr

here for the people have a second thoughts of downloading the punishing gray raven A.K.A pgr

749 View2024-04-13
we have a
✅ beautiful / cute characters
✅ beautiful / cute Voice 《EN》《JP》《CHINESE》
✅ ultra graphics 《even low device will not be lag》
✅ insane combat animations
✅ interesting story
✅ don't have trash Gacha
✅ available on low devices《Size: 14gb》
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'Punishing: Gray Raven' review
It's been 1 year now and I still can't get over PGR. I'll keep on playing and grinding this game. It's one of my favourite ARPG's. Truly love it. If you device can handle this game. Try it you gonna love the graphics, storyline, character voices, detailing, everything else. Keep up the good work devs. Kudos to Kuro Games.
Punishing: Gray Raven - Lucia With Her Bike/So Much Fun
The PC version of PGR is out. And it runs really smooth and clean. So if you were looking for a reason to hop back in now is the time. Also Alpha is a beast and worth it. Subscribe to the channel it's free!! https://rebrand.ly/drv74aa Support the channel for 3.99mo get access to Emotes/Perks/Giveaways! https://rebrand.ly/lz9juia PGR= https://pgr.kurogame.net/ #punishinggrayraven
Punishing: Gray Raven - PC Version Hype Impressions/Early Access
You can watch more reviews on My YouTube The PC version of PGR is out. And it runs really smooth and clean. So if you were looking for a reason to hop back in now is the time. ------------------------ Follow me on Twitch= https://www.twitch.tv/scionstorm Follow me on Twitter= https://twitter.com/ScionStormTV ------------------------
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