
Games worth discovering

Dark and Light Mobile
my opinion as player

my opinion as player

2K View2024-04-18
👍 Pros: this game concepts like a monster hunter with open world, survival, building
👎 Cons: playing on mobile version its like playing on ps2 emulator even my mobile phone its samsung s22 gen 1 snapdragon 🥲.  its like bit rush for snail game publisher released this game while they need a lot improvement from lag issue, phone issue, graphic issue etc
🎮 Gameplay: so far i cant tell while im playing on low setting on mobile version, want play smooth ? you only need setting on low and using 60fps but when you try change medium or high setting well you will know what a CRAP playing this game 😌😑
📖 Storyline: on the first beginning you can choose which server you want to play, for now if you from SEA you can choose AS ( asian server ), US ( american ) & EU ( Europe ). Then you can play on beginners server until you reach level 5 then you can choose another server peacefull. Just reminding every server only max limited 30 player. so choose wisely when you want to play with your friends 👍
🕹️ Controls: need more improve when choose item from bag its delay
okay this its all my review on this game for my first day play it.. thank you
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niwadaisuke01 Author

here this game requirements for mobile user 🥲. so if your phone didn't meet requirements playing on low setting with 45 fps only enjoy 😂



niwadaisuke01 Author

here ss from another player




my asus rog 8 can only run this game at 35fps.. it has a snapdragon 8 gen 3 🙃


niwadaisuke01 Author

yeah i know thats why this game still need more optimized


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This is my honest review. The graphics are amazing it is really cute but the graphics are heavy that even my phone cannot handle it (Or I suggest play this game in a high end specs phone). The gameplay is great. I meet some players and playing with them, some of players are kids. Sometimes my teammates are kids so its sure that this round will lose because "some" kids loves to troll and make us lose. And the server, I'm not happy with it. The server it is so lag even though my ping in internet test, its perfectly fine but in the game its so high which makes me cause AFK. I'm from Philippines, my server is Philippines and its very lag I don't know why but I think some of players really experienced this server problem because I see some ratings. And the rest, are good. :)) Please keep improving the game so we can play better and much more fun! 😊😊
Aleqz Audgam2K2023-07-26
❗❗❗❗❗EVERYONE LOOKOUT MY REVIEW THIS WILL BE VERY HELP FULL FOR NEW PLAYERS READ FULL❗❗❗❗❗❗I rate this game 3 star bcoz the developers are focus on money I think....players who spend lot of money is always god...free players are like just wandering around the map and gather build kill repeat....there is no other things....free players weapons deal low damage....but if you buy a new gun with epic skin it can deal a massive damage to hostiles and kill with in a sec....in missions with online players our teams or enemies will be paid players who has powerful skin, Armor,healing and much more things where free players didn't get and they will be win or mvp every match bcoz we have skill but no money 😭....can anybody suggest me a game same like this but better than this please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭.
PITCH BLACK1302024-04-24
I'm neutral for my review because the game is still in development period. I would say the game is good and enjoyable, what I could suggest; It needs an optimization in graphics and framerates for different devices because the heating issue and battery draining is very alarming while playing this game. The footsteps of the teammates and the enemies should not be the same, I don't know if it is a bug or not sometimes. The footsteps of the enemies should be synchronize to left and right earphones/headphones with alert notification, there is a time that its not synchronizing where the enemy is, especially when the enemies is with you in the same building. And last, PC users or mechanical mouse & keyboard users should be separate to mobile users, they must have there own server, same goes to Mobile users, to promote fairness and balance the game.
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