
Games worth discovering

Sky: Children of the Light
Sky: Children of the Light - Mesmer's Posts - TapTap

20 View2024-04-22
just love it, started in sept 2019. I come back regularly but i like a challenge and fighting aswell . This game lacks it. But the story surely is surprising, moving and makes you want to discover more of Sky
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The graphics of the game are amazing, when I first saw the game on an advertisement I couldn't wait to download it. At first I wasn't really sure what to do, I still have a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to do certain things. Although the community is amazing and I always request a guide in order to help me when I'm unsure,the chat feature is lacking a bit as I try to talk to others they can't see my messages and only see stars. Not sure why but other than that I really enjoy the game and the story line is great. Made me feel really emotional when playing with my friend overseas, we got so immersed in the story that when we got to a certain point it felt as though our journey with this lovely game came to end but it didn't, it became our best friend activity to do, we still are exploring the world of sky and the stories that lay there. Cannot wait to get back at it
Love it, remembers me the old games, this game brings me to my childhood, so i love it, give it a try of you like this type of games. First levels are easy than it becomes harder, you have to pay attention on distance and wind, cut scene are good and mission are pretty cool. Give it a try.
i played this game since 2018 when the game released and my view is the game is awesome i recomend to play it you will enjoy it if you like battle games like pub
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