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Solo Leveling: Arise
Solo Leveling:Arise - nick shades's Posts - TapTap

206 View2024-04-29
Game is great early on til you hit a brick wall paying money cant solve. At a certain point the game expects you to have 14k attack and 200% crit damage roughly around the end of chapter 10 in hard mode which is absurd. Im level 62 and nowhere near that with a 5 star scythe dimensional broken and a 1 star fire weapon ssr level 93. Max is 100 mind you. Yet recommended is 60 but that is bs. They expect you to have EVERYTHING 5 star full dimensional enhanced, all your skills maxed with paid coins and every shadow maxed, every hunter of that type of weakness maxed. But thats impossible. You dont get anywhere near that amount of resources. Environment effects are also overtuned to hell to the point the stage hits you harder than the boss. Cant recommend for f2p at all. Unless you dont care about progressing for 2 months straight on the same fight. My gear is good too. Cant imagine what its like for someone who cant get enough offense stats. The timer will ALWAYS run out. Bosses become the biggest bullet sponge you cant get past and youre offense barely increases at a certain point. I dont even want to know how difficult the rest of the story is going to be if this is just the start. Holy f this game is unbalanced. Burning demon is the most broken enemy in the game. Lifesteal on hit and 100 health bars that translate to 200 if you use your shadows at all. Also dont ever get hit once or he will repair minimum 2 health bars on the lightest hit. Some enemies are so broken they should be nerfed to hell. Dying in 2 seconds to 20 enemies throwing range hit attacks is absurd. Dodge everything 100% of the time and sweat or you will hate this game.
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No, they just expect you to take a bit of time. Story raking Time is normal. it's supposed to be update every 3 months. (except for launch, it'll be updated in June.) Obviously, new systems will be launched (soon) to help growth, and the original story is coming this month too. And yeah you need to dodge well. Btw I'm f2p and doing well. (Close to 10 hard actually, since I'm 9 (on a global launch acc), and 11 on EA acc (not played much)


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Great Game Great Combat Mechanics The lack of equipment repairing makes the game annoying to keep playing since you have to depend on equipment rarity value and RNG to get a good weapon with useful skills to boot and since you can't repair, your equips WILL disappear after it's endurance is gone AND to make it worse when you die all gear in your inventory loses endurance by I believe half. Leveling up in this game is wierd since you have to exchange items you find for souls and I mean literally ANY ITEM same thing for gold as well. The synthesis system is also wierd but i figured out a portion of how it works. Bosses after progressing do get a bit overboard with the damage they deal. This is a Test and I say it's worth giving a try if you have the patience. I have spent a good 5 hours on this game and if the developer decides to update this I'll definitely come back.
This game is terrible with its poorly done controls and the opponent difficulty being beyond for what is supposed to be at the initial stages of the game. Firstly the controls are not very responsive and the parry button is the doom of all. When an enemy is about to hit you and you parry, your Character doesn't parry! They just stand there and take the hit, which mind you the enemy does more damage to you than you do to them. The other skills take too long to be used and are unreal in the actual world. How in the hell can a spear and heavy axe guy swing faster than my dual blades Character? How are they able to interrupt my character so easily where I can barely even get hits in. One reason, They made this too hard so people start paying to level up their characters n weapons and get talismans by paying to increase their damage making it easier to take out enemies. For f2p it's a hellhole to pass beyond chapter 3,4,5.
i am playing this game for almost 6 months now. At first, i played this game because i wanted to try the nft side of things. But as you play (in-auto mode always if i may add) and get stronger, more resources are needed especially the dark steel (the nft currency). instead of earning it. you'd just use it to upgrade shit. but many players use their alt character to earn. About the gameplay, THIS IS SHIT. I'm used to playing mobile games with skills you can manipulate where you cast it. That is good for pvp because you can actually see your range. But this game's interface is more like a pc game especially the placement of the skills. You can't also do combos because you will either run out of mana or your skill cooldown, unless you are a whale. You can't dodge either because the cooldown is fixed to 10 seconds, unless you have the pet\spirit with chance of resetting it. This game is not f2p friendly.
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