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Dungeon Squad
Dungeon Squad - Hans Brëckwer dė's Posts - TapTap

119 View2024-05-04
TL;DR: borderline ecchi tower defense game with complex status mechanics; grindy, very grindy
Don't play in the public with this on.
🎮 Gameplay:
>great, though it's somewhat like Limbus Company in terms of mechanics (read the f*cking manual to understand)
📖 Storyline:
>not that much, just hints throughout your interactions with other characters and the final stages
>the playable characters do not have any speech, others do. (mfw no personalities for them personali-titties 😭)
🎨 Graphics:
...i don't think we need to say much here 😏
💰 Cash stuff:
no microtransactions, but booster packages for stuff you can get later, and a season battlepass (at the time of writing, there's 4 of them, all usable at the same time)
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Gameplay: Mainly plays Battle Royale and Rank. In my opinion, Battle Royale is good and probably the best mode in the game. Rank however is shit when you get to the upper rank like Grandmaster and Legendary due to the presence of the sweats, the type who use 3-4 fingers (Have reached Legendary rank using 2 fingers since I'm a casual). Music: Nothing to write home about Graphics: So-so at best, nothing too major.
I LOVE THIS MOTHERFRICKIN GAME. ⚠️This Is A Tower Defense GAME That Requires An Insane Amount Of Strategically Planning so Much so that a Sector's Difficultly Level That you Later on you have to conquer is Rated "ERADICATION" Difficultly. 💰 Value for Money:  On Android it is Free and on IPhone I Think i remember it being like $1 or $2 But There Are ABSOLUTELY NO Ads And No Micro-Transactions (In Game Purchases).
I played this game 15h and here's what I can say about it: They give away a lot of premium currency from rankings similar to Eversoul. Graphics nice and similar to Grand Cross but its still an idle auto battler. You can play 1 hand on the toilet :) The chance of SSR is high (at least for me, I got at least 1 SSR every summoning) and even got SSR+ after 30 summons, after 200 you get 1 random SSR+ (tested)
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