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pov: you want to become a Barbie but you can't because your parents won't let you

pov: you want to become a Barbie but you can't because your parents won't let you

35 View2024-05-06
This pov is from the fourth part of the Barbie Girl era where this character where his parents don't let him become a Barbie so he can be a boy is the character Ken and you can see the full version tomorrow afternoon, which will be released tomorrow
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J O H N V I N C E N T 🏳️‍🌈832024-05-06
Era Barbie Girl EP 1 Pov: you want to become a Barbie but your parents won't let you and you run away from home
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J O H N V I N C E N T 🏳️‍🌈372024-05-06
The pre-launch of the Barbie Girl era, what will this era be like?
In this post I will be talking about the Barbie Girl era as we know the Barbie Girl era is coming tomorrow and as today is the day of its pre-launch we have a lot to confirm like all the characters that will be in the character era number 1 will be Ken and now the character that is most important is Barbie since she will be the protagonist and character number 3 will be the villain who is no less important because everyone hates villains, right the villain will be the one who Suzy, what do we know, Suzy is jealous of Barbie and they are enemies, but for some who wonder which character you are, I'm not really going to appear in her because I'm only going to produce her, but that was mine, I created it because I'm the creator of this her but then I would appear a little in the story but I will decide on a character that I can be and we will have the character Chelsea who appeared in the Barbie cartoon but really this era will be a little short because it is a more or less one short film but we will have 10 long povs so that's all I confirmed but tomorrow you will be able to see the other povs because tomorrow is the launch day because for now I'm betting on some already and then see you tomorrow because tomorrow I'm going appear in the era so whoever sees and reads it has a good read and seen then until the era
J O H N V I N C E N T 🏳️‍🌈512024-05-05
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