
Games worth discovering

Pilgrims - Blak_Rice's Posts - TapTap

63 View2024-05-31
A wonderful and short-ish adventure game. The art style looks unique. The game encourages replayability solely through it's achievement system to get the player to try out various card "choice" actions.
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Beautiful strategy card game with lovely artwork. Im not a big fan of this type of games(personal preference), so i gived it a try, simply didnt regret it game is so fun, at first sounds kinda complicated but thats not case, its easy little strategy card game with fun mechanics. Graphics 10/10 Gameplay 10/10 Controls 8/10 Audio 10/10 Game overall 9/10 Recommended.
Good, sweet, and sometimes funny adventure game - Quick review
It's a nice little 'choose your adventure' game to spend some cozy time on. My gameplay experience was mostly positive without any major bugs or glitches. It took me about 3 hours to reach one of the endings and I pretty liked the story here. Not sure if I'm ready for another playthrough yet. Although the game has some gameplay mechanics like resources, skills, items. Combined together they just don't work as intended. I didn't really get the point of having these mechanics in such game.
An interesting game that is rich in story , and simple to play , understand and enjoy. A great pick for those who enjoy Puzzles and a game to sit back and relax too.
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