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T3 Arena
T3 arena hero concept (flank) codename: visceral octane

T3 arena hero concept (flank) codename: visceral octane

130 View2024-06-03
Description: Flank that centered around using extra mobilities to set-up and low-range abilities to eliminate enemies, gaining temporary benefits that can be used to resume eliminating or retreating back.
Gun (foldable SMG) : automatic, high-falloff, medium spread hitscan weapon.(passive: move forward near a wall to climb walls, hold down to cancel climb, this movement can only be speed boosted that is sourced from you. You can jump from wall climb, ending its effect.). Damage: 308  magazine: 40.
Health: 4200 shield: 1400
Ability 1 (kill-rush) : (passive: gives indicator to enemies that can be eliminated with this ability) charge at high-speed, stopping and dealing damage on contact with an enemy. Eliminating enemies with this gives you temporary shields. Has 2 charges. Duration: 2 seconds Damage: 2660 temp. Shield: 1400 Temp. shield duration: 3 seconds cooldown: 10 seconds
Ability 2 (foggy night) : Throw a smoke grenade that blocks enemies' vision and obscures them inside the smoke. Has 2 charges. Duration: 4,5 seconds cooldown: 9 seconds
Ultimate 1 (kill-code: maniac) : After a short wind-up, lose your abilities to use your gun and ability 1 and gain a decaying increased movement speed and damage reduction. Your gun is now a knife strike that deals damage up-close and reduces this status duration when hitting enemies. Wind-up duration: 2 seconds Speed boost: 75-50% damage reduction: 30% Damage: 8400 duration reduction: 1,5 seconds duration: 10 seconds
Ultimate 2 (waning light) :  choose an enemy(that is still alive) to be marked, after a delay that marked enemy will get obscured vision every 0,5 seconds, the marked enemy is revealed to you and you can instantly kill it by hitting ability 1 on them. Has 2 charges. Delay duration: 3 seconds Duration: 7 seconds obscure duration: 1 second (Enemies and teammates will be notified on who is getting marked.)
Passive (sanguine octane) : Gain decaying speed and reload speed boost on elimination. Speed and reload speed boost: 50-10% duration: 4 seconds.
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If shell could clime walls


Deathknight666 Author

And really hate snipers.


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