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Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves - ninG's Posts - TapTap

251 View2024-06-05
It has flaws I know, but it has potential ..and the best thing is that devs are listening and working on it.  Despite that, I am enjoying this game, yeah a heat issue a little but...it's getting fixed asap more updates arrives..
I just hope they bring more characters more regions and more better storyline..
Dont forget to take rest DEVS.
👍 Pros: combat mechanism, parry, dodge, style, animation, environment, npc live reactions, lips sync with voice( preferred -japanese).
👎 Cons: storyline bit slow, even if it is skippable, i still prefer to enjoy the story. ,day night cycle sudden change, heat issues ofcourse,  ghost touch is everywhere, can't dodge sometimes neither parry,  can't upgrade every character if F2P.. resources will be out soon. , after leveling up the hologram bosses are unstoppable 😂(my frustration).
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OK, nice to know the "👎"... 😅 Thank's FYI...



what devices are getting heat issues?



Great review! I feel the same way haha what would you like fixed?


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👍 Pros: Characters well design amd good abilities 👎 Cons: no issues ATM. 🎮 Gameplay: it's a idle play but it's fun when you keep proceeding the game 🕹ī¸ Controls: simple đŸŽĩ Sound: the music is so amazing so far 🎨 Graphics: graphics is mostly 2d but sometime when you view your characters it goes 2d or 3d I must I've been playing the game for a couple days and I love it so far. It's your choice if you want to play it or not. Feel free to try it out. Welcome@2024
#Pros 👍: -The animation is next gen and awesome. The movement animation feels alive and the fight animations are simply "mhwaa" (chef's kiss) - The story so far is interesting and I feel a purpose to continue playing the game. -The UI is pretty good, especially the loading screen animation. Doesn't feel like a cheap rip-off. -Graphics 🎨.....well let's say it's AAA tier. So far no heating issues. - The ability to switch characters is quite cool (though not a new feature), and each character's unique skill set makes it necessary to make the switch. Play it once, u guys will get it 😉.
Reverend Peace9872023-11-12
The game has a good potential, but it has alot of cons, such as : - We can't play music (spotify or other apps) while playing, it blocks it and for me it's a major problem. - The game is slow, the latency between when I press the button and when it attacks is horrible, I gotta wait pratically 1 second between each tap to deal damage. - Sure, they got alot of characters, however we don't get the appricieted characters, like in One Piece, we got Luffy, Chopper, and Boa while to be honest nobody care about her, we want Zoro, Ace, Sanji... (etc), or Dragon Ball, where we got Goku, Buu, Android 18 and Frieza, in fact, they are appricieted, but we want other ones like Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and many others.
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