
Games worth discovering

Waven - Eletea Amara's Posts - TapTap

14 View2024-06-26
Its not everyday you can say that a mobile game with a multiplayer aspect to it is NOT p2w but in Waven's case you can and here's why.
👍 Pros:
An extremely robust "class" selection where you pick a base class and then you also have the option to pick from a multitude of sub classes that drastically change how you play. From boomerang throwing rangers to dual wielding shield warriors, Waven really does have it all when it comes to class variety, with more being added at a steady pace.
The progression in Waven is steady and you can definitely feel it when you make it over a difficulty spike. One moment you're struggling to finish off an enemy in a dungeon then the next you're breezing through that difficulty and moving on to the next.
While this can also be a con, more on this later, the way in which you progress via "card" upgrades is very straightforward and easy. Though you can alter these cards by investing resources into them to give them new passives such as more damage and even new functionality like "If X has X then X will happen." The creative freedom Waven offers with it's unique card system is almost endless.
Believe it or not, Waven offers pets. Not in the traditional sense either, those exist as cosmetics sure but, these "pets" are known as companions and any class can utilize them as they can be somewhat essential to how you build your character, some are even built fully around summoning these companions. These companions are summoned via a gauge system that you accrue "elemental pips" for through the use of specific cards, some cards can give you either none or some of these pips. Certain companions will require a large amount of these, whether it be a singular element and some also require a certain amount of two elements. This may seem daunting at first but you'll soon find out that it all just meshes together so well with a build you decide to either find online or create yourself.
The art style, for me personally, is easy on the eyes and the visual clarity in each fight is easy to follow. There isn't a lot to say here except for that really.
Patches, updates, the dreadful thing we call maintenance before the real maintenance begins. Now this isn't exactly around maintenance so to speak but what can come with it. Whenever a new large patch rolls around, if it affects balancing around cards, companions or classes, you will be fully refunded the resources you put into these once the patch goes live. This is a huge win for Waven as this is a very rare thing to see in gaming, especially in the mobile space.
The monetisation in Waven is only for the premium section of the battle pass which are only ever really cosmetics. And then buying skins for the various classes and various other cosmetics. That's it, that's the monetisation and how straightforward, fair and clear it is.
👎 Cons:
Oh the cons, usually the worst part of a review and what people look for the most however with Waven, the cons aren't necessarily all that bad.
The first one we have is the lootbox system. Now before you skip over the rest of this review, hear me out. It's not as bad as it sounds, really. The lootbox system is how you will be attaining your new cards and companions, HOWEVER, you do obtain these boxes very easily, through quests, clearing mini quests during a fight and various other means. All in all, they are very easy to obtain! As a bonus, you also retain all of the cards and companions across each character you make, they do scale down to your level too if they're over your current level.
This won't come as a surprise to those who know how Ankama operate but the frequency of updates can be jarring as they aren't as often as some people would like. This isn't so much of a con but I believe it belongs here. On the other hand the updates big or small do address issues and sometimes make huge changes to gameplay, whether that be balancing or additions of new cards.
📠 Conclusion:
Waven at it's core is an innovative take on deck building RPGs that brings multiplayer aspects and new ideas to the table at the same time. There's always something new to learn and enjoy despite the cons listed. If you're interested in Waven, give it a try and a review of your own. It's worth it if you're into RPGs and deck builders.
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