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Farlight 84
Farlight 84 - Rainbow Lotus's Posts - TapTap

62 View2024-06-28
I loved the original Farlight 84. It was beautiful, innovative, demanding and a pleasure to play. And, other than most other fps, there was an interesting cast of complex characters, and there were jetpacks, which led to fast, intense matches. Farlight 84 was veryhard to master, but every improvement felt so rewarding.
Everybody loved the game, and the community was healthy and growing...
Speaking of myself, i spent enough time with the game, to eventually reach the highest ingame-rank, and become part of a tournament clan...
Then, version 2.0 arrived, and unleashed an apocalypse!
In one single strike, jetpacks and passive abilities were removed, and the community went CRAZY! I dont think that i have ever seen such a rage, such a hate, such a rapid decay within a video game. Forums were owergrowing with requests about withdrawing the changes, and anger about developers who don't communicate with their community.
The developers kept their silence, and once the players realized that the Farlight they knew was basically dead, they quit.
I myself kept playing until v2.2. At this time, more unwanted changes had been introduced, for example revive chambers and helmets, which brought a myriad of bugs and lags along, and Farlight was hardly playable anymore. I remember that i had to reduce all graphic settings to medium, which made the game look awful, and it still ran poorly. That was the point where even i, who had always believed in Farlight, accepted, that unknown reasons caused the developers to intentionally ruin their own game, and i quit, and left a 2-star review on TapTap...
Out of curiousity, i reinstalled Farlight after v2.3 was introduced, and again, everything had changed. But this time, to the much, much better:
Farlight runs perfectly on the highest graphic-settings again (using a Galaxy Tab S7+), and looks better than ever. Long-time bugs like settings not being saved, and all bugs that have been introduced with v2.1 and 2.2 have been fixed. Weapons have been rebalanced, and have their unique pros and cons now, in contrary to the old "grab yourself a Jupiter and a VSS as early as possible".
But most important: Heroes are being redesigned, to feel unique and exciting. I have played the redesigned Lucinda for a couple of matches, and let me honestly tell you: I have had more fun, than with the old Farlight!
Instead of a general jetpack, heroes now get a unique, and very interesting skill, that enables completely new ways to play!
Lucinda, for example, can hover for a short time, and once she reaches a certain level (within a match), she can use the skill another time, doubling the height, and enabling positions, that other characters cant easily reach.
Additionaly, passive abilities are back!
Lucinda, for example, now heals within the range of her bomb, once she has leveled up the skill (within a match), enabling her to be much more versatile.
Another example is Ember, who can turn into a shadow-form, in which he cannot attack, but is invulnerable. Additionaly, he now recovers armor while within his smoke-bomb, and his teammates are buffed, and enemies are debuffed within smoke-bombs, as soon as he reaches certain ingame levels...
Personally, i dare to say, that Farlight is about to become better than ever!
Something, that i wouldnt have imagined in my wildest dreams. But, now that i understand the dev's vision, i am really, really excited, and encourage everybody, who has left the game or has never tried it, to feel the Farlight spirit (again).
Mentioned games

i dont think i can play farlight 84 because i like the old farlight than right now


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