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Tarisland - Animalistic's Posts - TapTap

262 View2024-07-06
Tarisland has been a favorite of mine to follow since it's release in the East. Now that I was able to play in three betas and finally the main game itself to endgame content, I have a more in-depth view of what there is to like and dislike.
👍 Pros: + Graphics look incredible on Max!
         + Bosses in the game are very interactive which makes for more strategy than brainless mashing.
         + No Autoplay!
         + A free mount is handed to the player, although it is possible to live without one since you can teleport everywhere.
         + Game Devs and Staff are very interactive and critical towards their players.
         + The game has a massive amount of cosmetic microtransactions, I have not experienced any Pay-To-Win purchases available.
👎 Cons: - This game was labeled the "World of Warcraft killer", however this game doesn't feel as AAA as it was made out to be. It still feels very much like a Mobile game. (Ex. Multiple Currencies, Daily log-in freebies, Mediocre chat + voice chat alike, etc.)
                - The game already seems to have a problem with gold sellers and gold farming bots.
                - The game is open-world but it seems very limited as to where you can go. Almost like a linear game.
                 - Battlegrounds PvP needs some work since your level and gear are taken into account on the battlefield. I was a level 29 trying to heal a level 40 with a massive health pool, but I was barely able to heal anyone since I was so low.
                - There is no visual progression. You will have the exact same outfit on no matter what you equip as gear. The only way currently to change your outfit is by equipping a cosmetic outfit.
                - Currently every class is gender locked excluding Paladin and Mage, however Tarisland has promised to change that in the future.
💖 Overall Experience: The game was fun for a little while and I didn't experience any game breaking bugs, but there were a few I ran into. I recommend giving Tarisland a try since It would be labeled as the best Mobile MMORPG currently out there for the West. If you have any questions then please feel free to comment! 🙏
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Nirmal Minz
Nirmal Minz

As usual money grabbing mmorpg games and this game belongs to Shenzhen, China . if you criticise this game game company coming after you like mad dogs. eg a youtuber(don't want to mention name) criticise and gave negetive review and you know what happened game company ban him and his group from server for ever and harrassed him like hell, typical Chinese behaviour.


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Animalistic Author

I am not a fan of Chinese developed games or apps myself. I've personally had issues with either security or customer support due to either the language barrier or I'm not sure what.


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No autoplay? I'm sold, let me in.


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