Marian: Should we pull out Comander?
Comander:Yes bestie I think this is time to pull out, it's hard to keep it in while being clapped from behind by Shift Up!
After 5 months playing this amazing game I still think that all in game features are god like I really really love this game but then come day when you realize that in past few weeks you didn't get even one Manufacturer gear peace,you opened 10 ssr molds and got only 1 ssr out of them! You sent ticket to Shift upper and got response to be patient that they believe in my luck!!!
Then in next day you see that many players are banned because of bug Shifty Uppers created "I'm am not saying that exploiting is good I am saying TO USE SNIPER RIFLE INSTEAD OF MACHINE GUN WHEN BANNING"
So yes Marian it was good to put all of those bandages on all over the place on you wink wink but it's time to pull out!😢