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The First Descendant (PC/PS5/PS4/Xbox)
The First Descendant - Enduring Legacy/Multi-Purpose Build/Best Gun In The Game

The First Descendant - Enduring Legacy/Multi-Purpose Build/Best Gun In The Game

331 View2024-07-28

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This videos purpose is to show the daily life of what anyone can do to make their account stronger. I showed the quicker way to farm certain items. But you can actually use anyone it will just be a slower process until you get Sharen or Enzo. I use Viessa as my main dps right now. And I use cold blood so a starter Viessa can do the same thing.

Also I mentioned the Valby run in this video. That an hour after I made this video last night. They announced it was an text error. And they are in fact nerfing the Valby run. My only hope is they are aware of the imbalance. That has caused that issue in the first place and fix it.

The First Descendant is a third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5. Become a Descendant. Fight for the survival of humanity. Descendants have unique abilities to tackle both solo and co-op missions. Up to 4 players use varied mechanics to defeat giant bosses. BE THE FIRST DESCENDANT!
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