Valorant is a highly interesting game. I was never a fan of the genre, I.e CS:GO and COD search and destroy. Despite that, I decided to give it a try about a year ago and see if I could have fun with it.
About a year ago when I first got and built my PC, I downloaded the game in the hopes I could achieve some kind of funny moments like some I see on YouTube. Knowing that I was a silent person at the time, this was a far fetched idea. Despite that, I have it a try. I’ll be as honest as I can, it was a terrible experience. For some reason, everyone seemed to be extremely toxic in game. Now I’m used to toxicity in games, but this was different for me. For example, in a match, I was playing as a character that’s able to flash bang corners. I flashed a corner, eliminated the opponents, and won the round. For some reason my own team attacked me due to accidentally catching my team in the flash. For the rest of the game I was made to sit back due to one mistake. This confused me and became one of the two reasons why I’d stop playing.
Another reason as to why I stopped was just because I couldn’t wrap my head around mouse and keyboard. As I’ve said before, I was playing when I first built my pc. That control scheme was new to me, and I wasn’t liking it as much. I’ve played some games like AimLab to help me practice, but had no luck.
Valorant itself is an amazing game. Unlike some other games, the idea of adding a hero role element into the game adds for some very interesting gameplays. On top of the game play, the art direction was handled extremely well (Riot games is extremely good at this).
After a year of not playing, I’ve decided to get back into the game again, but this time with a friend who’s in the same shoes as I once was: new to mouse and keyboard controls and no idea how to play the game. I’ve been giving them hell training them how to play, but they’ve been making improvements.
Besides my friend, coming back to the game again is something I wasn’t expecting. Not because I didn’t want to play again, but because my experience was completly different. I’m not too sure what had happened to the community since I left, but things seem to be a lot “nicer”. Teams I’ve been on aren’t as hostile to each other as they used to, and the game seems easier than before. I’m sure that last part is because I’ve gotten used to the control scheme, but I feel like it’s more than just that. I feel like matchmaking has improved a lot. Players experience on both teams seem to be much better matched than before. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s how I’m seeing it.
That’s just about all I have to say about the game. Maybe your experience is way different than mine, or maybe you have answers to some of my confusions. If you do, feel free to comment some answers. But with that, I’ll leave you with my best results from a resent game I played. It’s far from the best, but I was really proud of it. (What was amazing about that round is that I got the final two kills and a friend caught it on recording.)
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