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Earth: Revival
【Still not satisfied with an 8-person island? Move into a guild ‘Community’ and throw a party!】

【Still not satisfied with an 8-person island? Move into a guild ‘Community’ and throw a party!】

1K View2024-08-17
Good morning, noon, and evening, survivors!
It's me again, Niya!
As the saying goes: life is all about clothing, food, housing, and transportation. In the year 2112, whether you’re battling alien creatures with responsibilities or just kicking back and relaxing every day, we can't neglect our “housing” needs!
In "Earth Revival," we offer a variety of living arrangements: whether you prefer living solo or sharing with roommates or more friends, I’ve got you covered and arranged perfectly, clear and straightforward! Come and see which option suits you best—

Every survivor gets their own "Manor"—in the future world, there are no wanderers! 

Starting with a crash-landing on a deserted island, survivors will have their very first home in the future world. (Is this considered a guaranteed allocation?) 
Niya · Planet Lecturer Edition: Every survivor will have their own personal manor.

“Roommate Co-Creation” – Even in 2112, you need a companion!

As you adapt to future life, it's time to find a like-minded survival partner. Become roommates, co-build the same manor, share resources, electricity, and manor levels, and unlock the Roommate Teleportation feature!
Janitor Extraordinaire · Planet Lecturer Edition: Two survivors who sign a Roommate Co-Creation Agreement can choose one of their manors as the main manor to live and build together. (In future artificial islands and guild communities, the two will also move in as a single unit.)

Feeling cramped in your manor? Why not invite friends to create an “Island” together?

The lakeside deserted island is your first home as a survivor, and it holds a special place in your heart. But as life improves, many survivors will naturally choose to upgrade to a larger, better, and more vibrant living space.
In 2112, the alliance has launched an initiative to build new Eden artificial islands. Moving to an artificial island means you might lose a few friends but gain a few more family members~
Niya · Planet Lecturer Edition: Players with two or more manors can team up to develop an artificial island (by completing simple dungeons). Each island can accommodate up to 4 manors. On the artificial island, in addition to building your own manor, all members can participate in decorating and constructing the island’s public areas.
Although the artificial island is vast, socializing there is a breeze. The island can accommodate 4 manors and 8 survivors, so you can easily gather for friendly culinary exchange. Share your dishes by placing them on the island’s food cart for everyone to enjoy together.
You can also host a bonfire party during your leisure time, inviting fellow islanders from other artificial islands to join. Gather around the warm flames, chat, dance, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island—it’s a truly relaxing experience!
Additionally, upgrading your artificial island unlocks exclusive technologies. Complete island construction tasks to advance your tech level and access features like convenient teleportation, backpack expansions, and reduced equipment wear. Any tech that supports your survival environment is top-notch—consider it all set!

Still not satisfied with an 8-person island? Move into a guild “Community” and throw a party!

To bring guild members closer together and provide a more comfortable living environment, guilds have pooled their resources to develop several guild communities in Miyada Bay.  As long as someone on the artificial island is a member of a guild, the entire island can move into that guild’s artificial island community.
Survivors who haven’t moved into an artificial island yet needn’t worry, as Miyada Bay also offers manor communities to choose from.
In addition, when an entire artificial island unit moves into a guild community, its members will receive daily electricity subsidies as a reward!
Additionally, the community welcomes members from other guilds, promoting inclusivity! No more leaving your guild just to find a roommate! 
Niya · Planet Lecturer Edition: Survivors can move into a guild community with either their manor or artificial island as a unit, as long as at least one person from the manor or island belongs to the guild. Artificial islands moving into the community can also enjoy electricity subsidies.
Recently, some survivors have reported difficulty finding teleportation points on artificial islands and in guilds. Here’s a friendly tip from Niya: Open the map in your manor, artificial island, or guild scenes to teleport directly to the manor’s teleportation point with no cooldown time.
Not sure if all survivors are familiar with the "housing policy" of "Earth Revival"? Once you've settled into your new home, don’t forget to let Niya know. I’ll drop by for a visit when I have time!

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