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Mr. Nexfire's Posts - TapTap

169 View2024-11-10
"Fortnite’s New Season: How to Make Perfect Use of the Changes Introduced"        The new season of Fortnite is out now and with it, players are going to get some new weapons, updated maps, and a new Battle Pass to upgrade! Here’s a quick overview on what’s important:New Weapons: Use weapons unique to this season to throw your opponents off guard. Some are real game-changers!Map Changes: This new map not only features the old zones but also new zones and a few secret spots. Try landing in these spots to find loot and an early strategic advantage over the opponents.Battle Pass Rewards: Complete all the specified challenges within a week to gain exclusive skins and gear easily.Quick Tips:
  1. Remain in a mobile state: Provoke enemies by using vehicles and mobility items.
  2. Work More In Squads: Share callouts and enjoy a better winning strategy.
  3. Practice: Use the creative area to test new strategies and buy the tactics when ready.
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